Updated COVID-19 Response

Dear Clients,

I wanted to update you on the many changes from last week. Our staff is still doing well and the clients

we’ve talked to are all healthy too.

Last Thursday, CA Gov. Newsom issued a shelter-in-place order for all of CA. On Saturday, he issued

additional guidance further defining “Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers” that designate CPA

services as “essential” and necessary. This was done because the CA government believes we are

needed to process & maintain systems for processing financial transactions and to assist in compliance

activities, such as tax filings.

Last week, we eliminated all in-person client appointments, separated employees & restricted migrating

workstations, as well as released our interns from their internships early. This week we are taking the

following measures:

• Closing our business to in-person activities. Drop offs and pickups will no longer be

supported. If clients cannot utilize the portal or USPS, we will deliver or receive documents

through drive up means.

• Either Heather or Hirako will join me in the office. I will be in the office 5 days and they will each

be in the office 3 days a week. We will continue finalizing and delivering tax returns to our

clients. Hopefully this will allow our staff to take care of additional personal responsibilities and

volunteer with local efforts, while maintaining our commitment to our clients.

• We will continue updating our website with latest information and provide tax related articles.

We also got official Fed & CA extensions for filing & tax payments. Both the Fed & CA governments have

enacted legislation to extend the April 15th deadline to July 15th. This means that tax returns aren’t due

until July 15th and April 15th payments can be postposed to July 15th, without incurring any late filing

penalties, late payment penalties, and interest. While this is much needed and appreciated, we need to

be prepared for the possibility of penalty notices still mailed to taxpayers that will need to be addressed.

Therefore, if you are able, I still recommend paying the tax due by 4/15 to avoid frustration down the

road. I suspect all states will follow the Fed government’s extended due dates, but we don’t have

official guidance yet.

If your returns have already been filed and you authorized the government(s) to directly debit your

account on April 15th, let us know and we will upload the Acknowledgement (ACK) we received when we

filed your return. It contains the transmission identifier and the phone number to call the IRS to adjust

the payment. Taxpayers will need to contact the FTB to adjust the CA payment date. Here’s the link for

FTB contact info https://www.ftb.ca.gov/help/contact/index.html

When CA or San Diego County issues any changes to our societal response or imposes further

restrictions, we will adjust accordingly. We are committed to doing everything we can to protect the

vulnerable in our society and ease the burden on our extraordinary medical professionals. I’m hopeful

we will all unite in a common effort. We hope that everyone’s family continues to be well. It’s

encouraging to see the community coming together in unexpected ways.

Wishing you well,
